DIY: Wine Crate and Spindle End Table

IMG_6844When you rearrange furniture and decided you need a new end table but can’t find the one you want you grab somebody stuff out of your garage and make one. That’s normal right…ok maybe not normal but at least it turned out cute!

IMG_6846I started with four old spindles I bought at an estate sale but you could purchase them new from a hardware store or use actual furniture legs as well. Seeing as the spindles were to tall (and I wanted a little bit of detail at the bottom of the legs) I chose to saw off the narrow section of spindle to achieve the look I wanted.


Once the legs were all sized down, assembly was as easy as screwing each one into the corner of my wine crate. I used four screws per leg for extra stability and the table was ready for finishing.


I finished off my table by grey washing the wine crate. I love how it allows the wood grain and the writing to show through the finish. (It also goes on quickly, doesn’t require perfection, and dries fast!)


I’m still deciding if I want to mix up the finish on the legs but for now I have a functional end table that cost me nothing so we will just call it a win!



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